Manuel Castells

Manuel Castells
Theoriepreis: Manuel Castells© Privat / Schelling-Architekturstiftung

Prize winner

For over three decades Manuel Castells has devoted himself to the problems in architecture and urban development. His first book “La question urbane” of 1972 became a classic textbook in the field of urban sociology worldwide.
In his book “The City and the Grassroots” of 1983 Castells analyzed the role of social movements in European, North and South American urban developments. Already in 1989 he had conducted research on the influence of new information technology on economic and urban development processes.
With his three volume publication on “The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture: The rise of the Network Society (vol. 1), The Power of Identity (vol. 2), End of Millenium (vol. 3)”, Castells also had an impact on the discussion on de- and reurbanization processes.

Manuel Castells is awarded the Schelling Prize for Architectural Theory 2004.