The Schelling Architecture Foundation grants the Schelling Architecture Awards for Architecture and Architectural Theory once every two years.
The awards recognise future-oriented developments in architecture as well as incisive accomplishments in architectural theory.
»Fostering the seminally significant, spreading substantiated knowledge«
BDA Award 2020 for Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal
The 2006 Schelling Architecture Prize winners Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal will be honored this year with the Grand BDA Prize for their life’s work. The jury praised them as pioneers of th…read more
Award ceremony 2020 postponed
With great regret we have to announce that the awarding of the Schelling Architecture Prizes 2020 will have to be postponed to the coming year. Corona leaves us no choice.
Despite the corona crises the Schelling Architecture Prizes 2020 are to be awarded!
Three architecture firms have been nominated for the Schelling Architecture Prize:
Lina Ghotmeh, Paris
Ted’A Arquitectes, Palma de Mallorca
Xu Tiantian / DNA_Design and Architecture, Beijing
The …read more
To the death of Dietmar Steiner (1951-2020)
The foundation mourns Dietmar Steiner, who died on May 15 in Vienna after a long, serious illness.
With Dietmar Steiner, the internationally debated architecture and urban planning culture loses one of its pioneers, and the Schelling Architekturstiftung loses the curator who has accompanied them f…read more
Schelling Architecture Awards 2020
This year’s Schelling Architecture Awards will be presented on Wednesday, November 25, 2020. The jury’s decision will soon be made. We eagerly await the result!read more